Personal Data
Personally identifiable information, such as your name, shipping address, email address, and telephone number, and demographic information, such as your age, gender, hometown, and interests, that you voluntarily give to us when you register with the Site or our mobile application, or when you choose to participate in various activities related to the Site and our mobile application, such as online chat and message boards. You are under no obligation to provide us with personal information of any kind, however your refusal to do so may prevent you from using certain features of the Site and our mobile application.
Account information
To use all functions of the Site, you will have to create a user account. We will collect your name, username, age, password and email address for setting up your account. Your current password may be used to recover a lost or forgotten password.
Derivative Data
Information our servers automatically collect when you access the Site, such as your IP address, your browser type, your operating system, your access times, and the pages you have viewed directly before and after accessing the Site. If you are using our mobile application, this information may also include your device name and type, your operating system, your phone number, your country, your likes and replies to a post, and other interactions with the application and other users via server log files, as well as any other information you choose to provide.
Mobile Device Data
Device information, such as your mobile device ID, model, and manufacturer, and information about the location of your device, if you access the Site from a mobile device.
Third-Party Data
Information from third parties, such as personal information or network friends, if you connect your account to the third party and grant the Site permission to access this information.
Data From Contests, Giveaways, and Surveys
Personal and other information you may provide when entering contests or giveaways and/or responding to surveys.