
The game for "Now Play This"

This week our catalogue was replenished with 571 new games. But today we want to tell you more about one of them. We're preparing an open-call enrollment for Now Play This, London's leading experimental games festival, which will take place for the tenth time in April. The festival brings together the very latest in independent and experimental game design from around the world, and of course Megamod is going to be a part of it!
The line-up for the festival is determined through an annual open call. The Now Play This committee is looking for games (digital, non-digital or mixed), installations, playful activities and workshops in a variety of shapes and expressions that align with the theme of this edition.
The theme of the upcoming 2024 edition will revolve around one word: LIMINAL and the exploration of the spaces in-between. Liminal can refer to a feeling, a concept, a reality. It may describe a work that defies labelling, a mental state, or the geopolitical situation many face today. The term ‘liminal’ refers to a state of transition — it could signify the onset of a new phase or the suspension between worlds.
A term “liminal” refers to a "threshold" or transition between two stages of development of a person or a community. Liminality is a period of life changes and developmental crisis. Liminality is associated with changes in social status, values and norms, identity and self-consciousness. Is this all we seem to be witnessing in the real world right now?
Liminality includes a wide range of sociological, psychological and physiological problems, realizing the expansion of culture and its exploration of new spaces and spheres through the individual as a bearer of new meaning and order. The potential of the new is determined by the nature of liminality, the situation of uncertainty, ambivalence and blurred sociality, stimulating a vigorous search for a new fundamental commonality. And this is what Megamod is all about!
We are creating not just a new gaming platform, but a new environment for communication, where users are socialized and acknowledged, where familiar boundaries are blurred, where stereotypical scenarios are broken and new forms of play, communication and creativity emerge.
A team of artleads and our best creators got together to make a game for Now Play This, where they decided to reflect the very essence of Megamod - super fast transition from one dimension to another, from one game to another, where constant change is an integral part of existence, but at the same time everyone can set the rules of the game and build their own world, realise their ideas and fantasies.
But first, let us show you what we got!
Please ensure to open the link in Chrome, and it's also important to note that the team spent just couple of days developing this game (which is rather long for a Megamod game, but it's well worth it). We'll improve a few issues before the enrollment, but we can present the game here to you right now.
And we'll be sure to tell you about the results. We'll be back with news in a week, have a good weekend!