
Megamod at DevGAMM

This week, our creators released 2439 new games more, bringing the total number of content in the catalog since May 2023 to 30,000! Let me remind you that all Megamod games are made by our users, many of whom are not familiar with how to code and do not have advanced artistic skills but all of them have a strong desire to create their own gameplay using Megamod's simple and smart game editor. And Megamod was the first game design challenge for some of them. This makes us so proud!

That is why we chose UGC topic to present our approach and vision at the DevGAMM conference in Gdańsk. Klavdia Potapova, CPO of Megamod, will discuss how to make thousands of games for only $6 a pop and share our experience of building a creative network and economy.

The highlights of the talk are:

● What is UGC for game production?

● What UGC models are in there? What pros and cons do they have?

● How to launch and scale the creators’ network?

● What motivates creators the most?

● How to evaluate the production costs, and what other metrics are essential?

If you plan to attend DevGamm, we hope to see you on February 29 at 11:30 a.m. CET at Epic Games Hall. The promo code WITNESSME provides a 15% discount on Business and Sessions category tickets.